
Ahead of the upcoming Prismatic event, which takes place at The Imaginarium on Thursday 2nd February, we spoke with founder, Joe Hunter… Tell us a bit about Prismatic Prismatic is an immersive spoken word event that augments performances with visuals… Read more...

Plant & Deck

The brainchild of Subterranea resident DJ Phil Warner, Plant & Deck will be housed in The Imaginarium, a multi use creative arts space, which is currently under development on Church Walk, just off Kirkgate, situated – conveniently for music lovers… Read more...

Goodbye, Mint Club

I need to stop going to gigs on acid. Well, I don’t, because it’s brilliant, but I probably should when I intend to review them objectively because it makes everything sound so completely different. Tunes sound four dimensional. Mixing on… Read more...

Space Ritual

“People are strange when you’re a stranger”, said some bloke somewhere sometime. And he was right; people are indeed strange, though I’d argue that the less of a stranger someone becomes to you, the stranger to you they become (if… Read more...